may life throw you a pleasant curve






I Trust my intuition when it comes to my art and ideas, I will often start my process with meticulous motion. Whether it's hovering above a carrageenan bath carefully dropping layers of expanding color, or hours by the torch practicing double backs creating visual frequencies. I work best when I can tap into my body's tempo, getting lost in the medium. My practice is consistent and I tend to work across various mediums simultaneously. I’ve found that my pieces can be put down and picked up at different times to breathe and take on new life. I’ve always been stretched and challenged by my creative nature but my introduction to glass really brought together all these varied outlets and i’m excited for where it will lead me


born in lA, based in brooklyn


Her Name was Basilica binuya quesada

the inspiration for house of basilica comes from the weathered pious name of a compassionate Lola. instilled with the values of craft, sustainability, and intentionality; this Platform attempts to encapsulate warmth and will grow through collaboration.

for others who view art as something holy

a divinity found in the practice

an invitation to join

from bespoke products to tailored clothing, sculptural forms with practical twists
